Items Categorized "Experiences and stories"Page 1 of 3

What do I need to know about integrating micro-credentials as part of applying an internationalization scheme for HEIs within the labor market perspective?  Updated 06.06.2022

Introduction “One of our roles as academic community members is to serve society. It includes the development of an attractive, diversified offer of high-quality educational provision and promotion…

Integrating Micro-credentials is part of applying internationalization scheme at Bethlehem University.

Integrating Micro-credentials is part of applying internationalization scheme at Bethlehem University.

Integrating Micro-credentials is part of applying the internationalization scheme at Bethlehem University. Due to the COVID-19, the External Academic Relations Role became primarily dedicated to bridging and impacting…

Making Online Teaching Work: Insights from American University in Cairo Faculty

This year has been an exceptionally challenging one for students and faculty alike, with disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the abrupt pivot to online education worldwide….

Smooth Integration of Internationalization into HEIs.

COVID-19 continuous waves (hits) have presented us with a real challenge and responsibility with the potential to fundamentally reshape our world. Now is the time for public intelligent…

The Evaluation of Distance Education Experiences. How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the role of Bethlehem University vis-à-vis teaching system and international networks.

The Evaluation of Distance Education Experiences. How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the role of Bethlehem University vis-à-vis teaching system and international networks. The world of employment is…

PTUK experience of the Remote Learning Plan during Covid-19 epidemic

With this sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe, some are wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic,…

Palestinian Employability Future between Preventive and Corrective Challenges.

Palestinian Employability Future between Preventive and Corrective Challenges.  Supporting university to transition to the world of work by strengthening their human capital through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and…

Peronsal Photo

Mobility & COVID-19 Restrictions

Introduction “This crisis is perhaps the first sign of a real awareness to tackle the digital revolution in progress, and my humble contribution to the impact of the…

Go ONLINE: The Only Option for AN Najah National University

Like all around the world, An Najah National University in Palestine had to close due to the Corona virus (COVID-19) crisis. The university’s risks management committee discussed the…

Online discussion session by Hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan) students to talk about Zain Cash services and the electronic portfolios in Jordan.

On the 14th of April  2020, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University recently held a discussion session via the Internet to talk about the issue of e-wallets in Jordan in…